Distinguished Foreign Alumni of Taiwan|Case Submission Form
「Chang Jung Christian University|Christine Jonathan, the Outstanding Alumni from Indonesia」
「Chang Jung Christian University|Christine Jonathan, the Outstanding Alumni from Indonesia」
Christine Jonathan | Indonesia
Studying abroad has been my dream since primary school. Luckily, in my third year of senior high school, representatives from Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) visited my school. They introduced CJCU and Taiwan to all the classes, including mine. Initially, I hesitated to go because I couldn't speak or read Mandarin at all. When I saw my classmate apply and get accepted, I thought, 'Well, let's give it a try! You never know until you try. I did some checking before applying and acknowledged that Taiwan is one of the most welcoming and frienliest country. Furthermore, as I looked for a science major for my Bachelor’s degree, I found that Taiwan was a much better fit than Indonesia. Therefore, I chose to come and pursue a degree in CJCU's Bioscience Technology program. I was drawn to its challenging yet interesting curriculum and courses. Little did I know that this would be the best decision I ever made.And here I am, living out one of my dreams!
I was fortunate that in our batch, there were also some pastors from Indonesia who came to Taiwan and CJCU to learn Mandarin. I remembered how interesting it was and we made Indonesian fellowship where we shared our life stories and encouraged one another (which continues until today). We also combined with English Fellowship in CJCU at that time, and instantly I had so many friends from Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea. We hanged out together, shared our cultures, and sometimes discussed social issues that we see and what actions we can take. The discussions were intense, yet they encouraged me to think broadly and see from different perspectives.
Every year, CJCU holds an International Day where students from different countries can participate and share about their culture. I fell in love with the events, and they deepened my love for Indonesia. This has inspired me to continue learning about my diverse cultures and staying updated on Indonesia. I remember one time when the theme was centered around food and games. Every student was excited, and we danced together, bonding just like a family.
During my fourth year of studying Bioscience Technology, I came to realize that working in a lab wasn't suitable for me. I prefer actively interacting and socializing with people. It was quite a blow, as I initially believed it was too late for me to change my major. So, during my fourth year, I faced a lot of challenges and had concerns about my future because the job I wanted to pursue didn't directly align with my study background.
Fortunately, in Taiwan, we have the flexibility to choose courses from different departments, which was truly advantageous for me. Therefore in my fourth year, I took courses from CJCU Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies to enhance my Mandarin ability. Furthermore, as I am interested with IPSD International Program for Sustainable Development courses, especially on environment issues, I talked with some students and learned how this sustainability work-related will be needed in the future. I also attended some theology lectures to deepen my faith and simultaneously learn how to apply my beliefs to address social issues. I made efforts to attend and participate in every lecture or course that align my interest.
After graduation, it was stressful to find jobs due to COVID-19 and it was challenging to find companies that can apply work permit for me. I did not rush and utilized the gap year to travel, do some volunteering programs, work online, and join online/ offline courses. I also met some problems like financial and emotional breakdown, but thanks to my friends and Taiwanese friendliness, I was able overcome it. It might be harsh but I realized I grew up a lot during the process.
Long story short, after 8 months of my graduation (also 4 months before my ARC expired), February 2022, I found a project assistant job in the USR office at CJCU. My Indonesian friend introduced me to the project leader, as she has been worked here for many years. I am grateful that this job matches what I want: targeting the environmental issues and the work culture supports the staff to have personal development. Furthermore, I gain lots of new experiences and knowledges, such as food agriculture education, waste management, circular economy, park management and etc. It can be truly hectic as there are a lot of things to do, however I also feel passionate to do and learn much more. I am excited that I find out my passion and love here at my work.
My job mostly focuses on international connections and managing the Barclay Memorial Park environmental education center. As we have partnership with Africa to do some projects, especially Care Project, I have to learn about and understand menstruation-related issues faced worldwide so that we can address them effectively. Every year, we have to present our activities at USR Expo, which gives me opportunities to share my experiences in Chinese and English.
It is challenging because my Chinese is not very proficient. Therefore, I have to write down what I’m going to say and have my colleagues check my pronunciation and grammar.
August 2023, Taiwan Experience- Practice in Africa (Tanzania & Burundi)
It is such an honorable experience that I could go to Africa and experience the life there. It was touching my heart listening to their stories and how privilege I am. There, we conducted Care Project that promote menstrual health and positivity by introducing Cloth pads to the community. Additionally, in Burundi, we conducted Biochar workshops to address agricultural issues arising from poor soil quality and lack of water.
These experiences have opened my eyes to see social issues and have encouraged me to empower younger generations to be aware of what is happening around us, regardless of the country we are in.
When you realize that your initial chosen path is not suitable for you, it is okay to step off. It has never been a mistake, particularly if you follow your passion. Nothing you experience in life is in vain. My advice is to try it! Have a vision but be open to uncertainty. Discover what interests you and focus on it. Keep an open mind and heart to learn and immerse yourself in Taiwanese and other cultures. I know that throughout this process, you will face numerous challenges, moments of doubt, experiences of burnout, loss of interest, stress, and feelings of failure, etc. But remember, your grief will not last forever. You will grow much stronger, braver, and wiser afterwards. God does not create you for sad endings. If it is not happy, then it is not the end. So, don’t give up! Keep Fighting!
August 2023, Taiwan Experience- Practice in Africa (Tanzania & Burundi)
It is such an honorable experience that I could go to Africa and experience the life there. It was touching my heart listening to their stories and how privilege I am. There, we conducted Care Project that promote menstrual health and positivity by introducing Cloth pads to the community. Additionally, in Burundi, we conducted Biochar workshops to address agricultural issues arising from poor soil quality and lack of water.
These experiences have opened my eyes to see social issues and have encouraged me to empower younger generations to be aware of what is happening around us, regardless of the country we are in.
September 2023, 2023 Asia Pacific Roots and Shoots Youth Summit 【Nature Now: Youth-Driven Solutions for a Better World】We annually conduct Roots and Shoots Youth Summit and this year was absolutely amazing that representatives from different countries come and share their environment protection-related projects. We discussed topics such as greenwashing, biodiversity, challenges, youth participation, and public involvement, among others. In the end of the summit, I felt so much encouraged that I am motivated to start my own project- Yutaka blessings- that promote environmental education, especially promoting less waste lifestyle.
My job mostly focuses on international connections and managing the Barclay Memorial Park environmental education center. As we have partnership with Africa to do some projects, especially Care Project, I have to learn about and understand menstruation-related issues faced worldwide so that we can address them effectively. Every year, we have to present our activities at USR Expo, which gives me opportunities to share my experiences in Chinese and English.
It is challenging because my Chinese is not very proficient. Therefore, I have to write down what I’m going to say and have my colleagues check my pronunciation and grammar.