首屆「臺菲大學校長論壇」於8月23日假菲律賓首都馬尼拉近郊曼達盧永市(Mandaluyong City)舉行,教育部由國際及兩岸教育司畢祖安司長代表出席,並由菲律賓臺灣教育中心承辦校國立中山大學邀集我國19所大學25名校長及副校長等代表共同組團與會。
本次論壇主題為「鏈結高等教育機構以實行亞洲包容性發展」(Bridging Higher Education Institutions For Asian Inclusive Development),臺菲雙方將探討如何共享教育資源,以相互學習的態度,實現共榮及共創教育新格局。菲方官方高等教育最高代表:高教委員會(Commission on Higher Education, CHED)委員莉莉安(Lilian A. de las Llagas)擔任「區域發展及包容性教育」專題演講,分享菲國大學如何在東協國家內發展自我特色及未來發展。
另外臺菲教育有許多交流都有賴校際間及學術機構自主的合作,例如我方的東南亞大學交流協會、南臺灣大學聯盟,及菲方的菲律賓公立大專院校協會(The Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges, PASUC)及菲律賓大學系統(University of the Philippines System)等,都不遺餘力地為兩國更多的教育合作機會搭建橋樑,相信在民間及學校的雙重助力下,臺菲教育交流將更蓬勃發展。
本次論壇主題為「鏈結高等教育機構以實行亞洲包容性發展」(Bridging Higher Education Institutions For Asian Inclusive Development),臺菲雙方將探討如何共享教育資源,以相互學習的態度,實現共榮及共創教育新格局。菲方官方高等教育最高代表:高教委員會(Commission on Higher Education, CHED)委員莉莉安(Lilian A. de las Llagas)擔任「區域發展及包容性教育」專題演講,分享菲國大學如何在東協國家內發展自我特色及未來發展。
另外臺菲教育有許多交流都有賴校際間及學術機構自主的合作,例如我方的東南亞大學交流協會、南臺灣大學聯盟,及菲方的菲律賓公立大專院校協會(The Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges, PASUC)及菲律賓大學系統(University of the Philippines System)等,都不遺餘力地為兩國更多的教育合作機會搭建橋樑,相信在民間及學校的雙重助力下,臺菲教育交流將更蓬勃發展。
- Going into Global Education: An ASEAN University Requisite
- Regional Development and Inclusive Education
- Innovative Framework on Sharing Higher Education Resources between Taiwan and Philippines
- The Common Path of the Philippines and Taiwan to Inclusive Education: Dual Wings and Engines Approach
- Transforming Poverty into Prosperity through Inclusive Education
- Building Learning Center in Science Park for OFWs to Develop Human Capital and Lifelong Learning
- Report on Taiwan Education Center-Philippines
- Building Training Hub for Intensive Short Term University Leadership Development and Technological Advancement
- Innovative Industry-City-University-Entrepreneurship (ICUE) Partnership
- Joint Declaration on Philippine – Taiwan Universities Partnership for Sustainable Regional Development
臺方 | 對方 | 總計 | |
機構數 | 26 | 121 | 147 |
人數 | 40 | 133 | 173 |
- 中華大學
- 交通部觀光局
- 南華大學
- 和春技術學院
- 嘉南藥理大學
- 國立中山大學
- 國立中正大學
- 國立政治大學
- 國立東華大學
- 國立清華大學
- 國立澎湖科技大學
- 國立臺灣大學
- 國立臺灣海洋大學
- 國立高雄科技大學
- 國立高雄餐旅大學
- 康橋旅館
- 教育部
- 文藻外語大學
- 明新科技大學
- 樹德科技大學
- 正修科技大學
- 義守大學
- 輔仁大學
- 長榮大學
- 駐菲律賓代表處
- 高雄醫學大學
- Abra State Institute of Science and Technology
- Adiong Memorial Polytechnic State College
- Agusan del Sur State College of Agriculture and Technology
- Aklan State University
- Apayao State College
- Aurora State University
- Basilan State College
- Bataan Peninsula State University
- Batangas State College
- Batangas State University
- Benguet State University
- Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology
- Bicol University
- Bohol Island State University
- Bukidnon State University
- Bulacan Agricultural State University
- Bulacan State University
- Cagayan State University
- Camarines Norte State College
- Camarines Sur Polytechnic College
- Camiguin Polytechnic State University
- Capiz State University
- Caraga State University
- Carlos Hilado Memorial State University
- Catanduanes State University
- Cavite State University
- Cebu Normal University
- Cebu Technological University
- Centeral Bicol State University of Agriculture
- Central Luzon State University
- Central Maindanao University
- Central Philippines State University
- City Government of Mandaluyong
- Compostela Valley State University
- Cotabato City State Polytechnic College
- Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology
- Davao del Norte State College
- Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology
- Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University
- Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
- Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology
- Eastern Samar State University
- Eastern Visayas State University
- Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology
- Guimaras State University
- Ifugao State University
- Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College
- Iloilo Science and Technology University
- Iloilo State College of Fisheries
- Isabela State University
- J.H. Cerilles State College
- Jose Rizal Memorial State University
- Kalinga State University
- Laguna State Polytechnic University
- Leyte Normal University
- Mariano Marcos State University
- Marikina Polytechnic College
- Marinduque State College
- Mindanao State University
- Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology
- Mountain Province State Polytechnic College
- Naval State University
- Negros Oriental State University
- North Luzon Philippines State College
- Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State University
- Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology
- Northwest Samar State University
- Northwestern Mindanao College of Science and Technology
- Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
- Nueva Vizcaya State University
- Occidental Mindoro State University
- Palawan State University
- Palompon Institute of Technology
- Pampanga State Agricultural University
- Pangasiana State University
- Partido State University
- Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges
- Philippine Development Foundation
- Philippine Merchant Marine Academy
- Philippine Normal University
- Philippine State College of Aeronautics
- Polytechnic University of the Philippines
- Quirino State University
- Ramon Magsaysay State University
- Rizal Technological University
- Romblon State University
- Samar State University
- Siquijor State University
- Sorsogon State University
- Southern Leyte State University
- Southern Luzon State University
- Southern Ohilippines Agri-Nusiness, Marine and Aquatic School of Technoligy
- Sultan Kudarat State University
- Sulu State College
- Surigao del Sur State University
- Surigao State College of Technology
- Tarlac Agricultural University
- Tarlac State University
- Tawi-Tawi Reginal Agricultural College
- Technoligical University of the Philiipines
- Trinity University of Asia
- University of Antique
- University of Eastern Philippines
- University of Northern Philippines
- University of Rizal System
- University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines
- University of Southeastern Philippines
- University of Southern Mindanao
- University of the Philippines
- UP Open University
- Visayas State University
- West Visayas State University
- Western Mindanao State University
- Western Philippine University
- Zamnoanga City State College of Marine Sciences and Technology
- Zamnoanga City State Polytechnic College
- 菲律賓公立大專協會秘書處
- 菲律賓高等教育委員會
- 馬尼拉經濟文化辦事處